Weekly Roundup - 13th-17th November 2017

Weekly Roundup

Monday 13th November 2017

The day I had been dreading unfortunately came on the weekend.

My MacBook Pro decided to cark it. I purchased it back in 2011, so I definitely got great value out of it and it served me well for the last 6 years.

Karina and I were meant to come back up to the Central Coast on Saturday to view a couple of inspections as we are looking to move back up here. We were going through the rental list and as I went to print it out, my MacBook glitched out and the screen went white. After freaking out about losing my data because I hadn’t had a chance to back up my work, I took it straight up to the Apple shop in Hornsby Westfield to get it checked out.

After speaking with the tech guy, he took it out back to check it out further. Bad news, the graphics card had blown and due to it being an older model, it’s no longer supported so I couldn’t just get it repaired. I had already been thinking about getting a new MacBook, just not this soon. I ended up buying a new MacBook Pro and so far I’m stoked with it. It has some pretty cool features and is super thin and light compared to the older model. When I first saw the launch of the new MacBook, I saw that they introduced the Touch Bar which at the time I thought why would I use that. Turns out that it is actually a really handy feature and I have been using it daily. The Touch Bar replaces the function keys that have long occupied the top of the keyboard with something much more versatile and capable. the options change automatically based on what you’re doing to show you relevant tools you already know how to use — system controls like volume and brightness, interactive ways to adjust or browse through content, intelligent typing features like emoji and predictive text, and more.

Week Nine! Back in to it Monday with a solid day of design thinking. I came across a problem in the project of a scenario I hadn’t taken into consideration, so it was back to the drawing board to find a solution. I’ll continue working on it as I didn’t get a chance to fully finish it.

Monday Back Workout

  • Warm up followed by 1 x 12 reps 54kg, 3 x 12 reps 61kg Lat Pulldown
  • 1 x 8 reps 60kg, 3 x 12 reps 40kg Single Arm Iso-Lateral DY Row
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg Single Arm Iso-Lateral High Row
  • 4 x 12 reps 61kg Cable Row
  • 5 mins Air Bike
  • 10 mins Sit Down Bike

Tuesday 14th November 2017

Continued working through the problem we came across yesterday. We discussed the options and worked out a solution, I then designed the UI and provided it to the guys to implement in the next sprint.

Ended up being a late night working on redesigning the Central Coast Barber website, mainly ensuring all the backend stuff like meta data and XML sitemaps are up to date so it gets indexed properly when I relaunch it.

Tuesday Chest Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 40kg Iso-Lateral Super Incline Press
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg Single Arm Close Grip Cable Fly
  • 4 x 12 reps 60kg Pec Fly
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg Iso-Lateral Wide Chest
  • 5 mins Air Bike
  • 10 mins Sit Down Bike

Wednesday 15th November 2017

Busy day in the office! Continued on some additional notification UI screens so users are better informed when they complete certain actions in the system.

I tend to go through stages of having pre-workout before a gym session, gets me pumped up and going for the workout and also the day. Haven’t taken any for a while so I went for a walk over to ASN to stock up on some new supps. Got some Nubreed Tenacity, haven’t tried this before, its a Thermodynamic Fat Burner that utilises Teacrine® for enhanced energy, suppresses appetite and accelerates metabolism so we’ll see how it goes!

Leg day at anytime fitness Erina! Being back at Erina means being able to use different machines and the V-Squat is absolutely hammering my legs, especially doing reverse V-Squat.

Met up with a mate in the afternoon who I consider one of my mentors to talk about what we’re both working on and to get feedback from each other. I try to do this at least once a fortnight.

Wednesday Legs Workout

  • Warm up followed by 2 x 12 reps 45kg, 2 x 12 reps 55kg Leg Extension
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg V-Squat
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg Reverse V-Squat
  • 5 mins Air Bike
  • 10 mins Sit Down Bike

Thursday 16th November 2017

Today was interesting… so keep in mind this is my ninth week at PropertySafe and its only now that the Job Statuses are being questioned and realising that what has currently been set up doesn’t really make sense for the user. So after sitting down and mapping it all out, we agreed on what they should actually be. Now the guys have to make a few changes so they all match up.

Thursday Shoulder Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 25kg Shoulder Press
  • 4 x 12 reps 30kg Iso-Lateral Single Arm shoulder Press
  • 4 x 12 reps 60kg Rear Delts
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg Single Arm Cable Raises
  • 5 mins Air Bike
  • 10 mins Sit Down Bike

Friday 17th November 2017

I got to a stage with the Central Coast Barber website where I could launch it, so I got home Friday night and started the process of making it live. The site is being updated from one host to another, so I have to point the domain name to the new server where I have set up the new WordPress site.

Here is a quick overview of how the update process works; Keep in mind this is just the process of how I manage my projects, there are many different systems and processes to get a website live.

I knew before setting the site live that I would need to update the name servers if I wanted to use Cloudflare, this needs to be done at least 48 hours before going live.

I manage the DNS for the site through a platform called Cloudflare, so I first add the domain to the platform, this pulls in the current DNS records, I actually did this step on Wednesday night. The name servers then need to be updated, this is done at the domain level. All of my domains are managed with GoDaddy, so I logged in to GoDaddy and updated the name servers and set them to Cloudflare’s name servers. Next, I updated the DNS by removing the current A record and created a new CNAME record that points to the WP Engine WordPress install. At this point I updated the WordPress settings for WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to show the new domain name. When doing this, it will log you out of WordPress once you click save. I then tested the site to ensure it’s all up and running correctly. Lastly I did a few things to ensure the SEO for the website is all good. I will write up a separate post for this so I am able to go into more detail. Happy days, the site is now live. Check it out at https://centralcoastbarber.com.au and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Friday Arms Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 8kg Single Arm Cable Curls
  • 4 x 8kg 12 reps Single Arm Cable Pulldowns
  • 4 x 12 reps 16kg Dumbbell Curls
  • 4 x 12 reps 16kg Dumbbell Hammer Curls
  • 10 mins Sit Down Bike