Weekly Roundup - 4th-8th December 2017

Weekly Roundup

Monday 4th December 2017

Starting week twelve strong again, straight in to working through the UI desktop challenge. It is taking a lot longer than I thought to complete this part of the project.

We had quite a busy weekend and I managed to get some backend work done on Typeyeah. I have now added a section for Artists to promote the artwork they sell online. I need to flesh this out a bit more and then get the word out to the community to let them know about this new feature. I probably won’t get time to work on this more until the new year now.

Sunday was spent catching up with family for my great aunts 90th birthday down in Hunters Hill. Solid effort for 90! She still gets out and about and maintains her garden which I think is just fantastic. I haven’t seen that side of the family for quite some time, so it was great to catch up and see what everyone has been up to.

Monday Back Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 54kg lat pulldown
  • 4 x 40kg 10 reps single arm iso-lateral DY row
  • 4 x 40kg 12 reps single arm iso-lateral high row
  • 4 x 61kg 12 reps cable row
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins sit down bike

Tuesday 5th December 2017

A spanner was thrown in the works today and the business has decided to white label the product. What does white label mean? It basically means we create a plain jane version of the product that allows us to add any companies branding to the system to make it look like it is their own system.

I spent the day designing a version using the proposed company’s branding so the guys can start making the development changes ASAP.

Tuesday Chest Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 60kg iso-lateral super incline press
  • 4 x 10 reps 80kg iso-lateral wide chest
  • 4 x 10 reps 8kg close grip fly
  • 4 x 10 reps 50kg pec fly
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins sit down bike

Wednesday 6th December 2017

Working through the white label design. I love that I can create palettes and symbols in Sketch that allow me quickly update different blocks. It would have taken me so much longer if I had to change the colour of all elements individually.

Another review of the MMgr system. There is quite a bit of development still to do on the initial improvements from the review I provided a couple months back to get it up to scratch, so we’ll come back to this in more detail another day.

Wednesday Legs Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps leg curl
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg V-squat
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg reverse V-squat
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins sit down bike

Thursday 7th December 2017

Working through the white label solution for the project, just about finished the initial design for this and have created a whole separate design file for any future white label versions.

In keeping with efficiency, I created all the icons as SVGs which not only gives us crisp sharp icons for use on all devices but also allows for easy management for the white label versions as the colour of the icon can be updated within the SVG code.

I will be updating the existing icons that have already been created in the project to use SVGs.

Although it will be a bit time consuming, it is easy enough to open the illustrator files and save out as SVGs. I am really looking forward to seeing the updated version using all SVGs and then comparing it to an older version.

Thursday Shoulder Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 20kg shoulder press
  • 4 x 12 reps 20kg close grip shoulder press
  • 3 x 10 reps 12kg dumbbell raises
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg barbell raises
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg single arm cable raises
  • 5 mins air bike

Friday 8th December 2017

Finished up creating all the SVG icons today. As I mentioned yesterday, I am really looking forward to seeing the project using these as I think a small change can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of the project.

Big crypto discussion in the office today. It’s just going nuts at the moment. My investment has doubled since buying in. I’ll be doing more research over the weekend.

Friday Arms Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 8kg cable curls
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg cable pushdown
  • 4 x 12 reps 12kg dumbbell curl
  • 4 x 12 reps 12kg hammer curl
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins sit down bike