Weekly Roundup - 8th-12th January 2018

Weekly Roundup

Monday 8th January 2018 Week seventeen at PropertySafe! (technically, including the 2 week break) Happy New Year! Getting back into the swing of things after a great 2 week break. It was so good to take some time off and not have to worry about anything business wise. Great time catching up with friends and family plus we have just moved into our new apartment at Point Frederick, so a lot of time was spent getting everything organised there.

Awesome to be back working with the team! Super keen for this new year, already back in work mode and started working through more of the admin UI for the project. Sometime this week we will have a proper catch up and go over where things are at with the project and where it will now go.

Monday Back Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 47kg lat pulldown
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg single arm iso-lateral DY row
  • 4 x 12 reps 40kg single arm iso-lateral high row
  • 4 x 12 reps 61kg cable row
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 15 mins cross trainer

Tuesday 9th January 2018

Today was spent working on the admin UI and adding a feature that will allow admins to create and manage the email templates for the system. This will save everyone a lot of time because I know the Marketing team are going to come back and tell us they want a new message for a special campaign or something along those lines added to the emails that get sent out from the system.

A friend recently hit me up to see if I was able to do some work on the website for the company she works for. It’s using SquareSpace which I haven’t had too much experience in, however, what she needed didn’t seem too hard, so I said I’d check it out.

Turns out integrating the Mailchimp newsletter signup in the website is quite easy. Mailchimp offer a widget that you can customise to suit your site. You then take the code it gives you and embed it into the header of your website.

Tuesday Chest Workout

  • Warm up followed by 2 x 12 reps 40kg, 2 x 12 reps 30kg super incline press
  • 4 x 12 reps 80kg iso-lateral wide chest
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg cable flys
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg close grip cable flys
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins cross trainer

Wednesday 10th January 2018

More admin UI screens today including some screens that the user is directed to after signing in for the first time from the other apps that PropertySafe is currently working on for Central Coast real estates.

A lot of continued research lately on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. I’ve been talking to a friend who is really into it and some of the resources he has shown me that are coming up look really promising. There is just so much information available, it is hard to keep track of what is happening in the ecosystem.

After doing a lot of research over the break, I have been day trading some of the current coins/tokens in my portfolio and getting into new projects that I think have great potential.

Two projects I am really excited about for the new year and hope really work in the long run include;

  • Substratum
  • 0x Project

I consolidated my Ripple back into Ethereum, and then bought VeChain using the Ethereum. I did this straight from the Binance App. I will use Ethereum to trade into new tokens that are coming out and VeChain is a long term hold for me (at least a year).

Wednesday Legs Workout

  • Warm up followed by 4 x 12 reps 55kg leg extension
  • 4 x 12 reps 20kg leg curl
  • 4 x 10 reps 60kg v-squat
  • 4 x 10 reps 60kg reverse v-squat
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins cross trainer

Thursday 11th January 2018

Admin UI screens today plus our first dev meeting for the year. There is a lot on the cards in the way of a redesign for MMgr. Keen to jump on board with this project and actually do some quality work this year. I don’t think they realise how big this project actually is yet. More user centred work not just user flows and UI will be awesome!

Typeyeah is officially 2 years old today! Hard to believe I started it 2 years ago. Still a long way to go but happy how far it has come. The next feature I am adding is a job board that will allow the artist who have signed up to apply for jobs that consumers can submit through the website.

Thursday Shoulder Workout

  • 4 x 12 reps 25kg shoulder press
  • 4 x 12 reps 60kg iso-lateral single arm shoulder press
  • 4 x 12 reps 64kg single arm rear delt
  • 4 x 12 reps 21kg upright row
  • 5 min air bike
  • 10 min sit down bike

Friday 12th January 2018

What a week for the first week back for the new year! It has been massive! There is still a massive amount of work to do on the project and the admin system behind it. Today was spent working on a new section that will allow the guys to manage the security of the project.

It’s been great to have more time in the afternoons to come home and work on Typeyeah and the Weekly Roundup post. Pretty keen to get some design work done though, so that will be my focus next week.

What a week in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. All this talk about alt coins sky rocketing to the moon and others crashing, all these different opinions saying sell, and hodl (I only just found out that it stands for ‘hold on for dear life’) 😀 It’s just crazy!!! I haven’t done any trading this week, I have just been holding. I did however buy Ethereum through Coinbase which I transferred to my Binance wallet to buy Wanchain when it comes out (hopefully on Binance!).

I can tell you now that you’ll be hearing a lot more from me in this new year about cryptocurrency, I find it fascinating and I’m keen to learn more and more!

Friday Arms Workout

  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg cable pushdown
  • 4 x 12 reps 8kg cable curl
  • 4 x 12 reps 12kg dumbbell hammers
  • 4 x 12 reps 20kg barbell curl
  • 4 x 12 reps 26kg cable hammers
  • 4 x 12 reps 26kg tricep pushdown
  • 4 x 12 reps 75kg tricep press
  • 5 mins air bike
  • 10 mins cross trainer